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Jewelry Design

Other Products/Custom Orders

Looking for something not necessarily in our inventory?  We can either make it for you or check our offline inventory and get back to you promptly with options.

Want to make a fine piece of jewelry customized for yourself or someone else?  We'll arrange a meeting with you to figure out all the details and provide you a quote and estimated time of completion.

Custom Orders: Our Products
Engagement Ring
Jewelry Expert

Engagement Rings

Tell us (or show us) what kind of engagement ring you're looking for and we'll show you what we have.  We've found that most people have a general idea of the type of ring they're looking for and the type of diamond they want set on it.  We can have that conversation and show you the various options you have for such a ring, as well as the costs involved for each option. 

If you have a tight budget, we'll show you how to get the most value for your dollar.  And if you're not on a tight budget, we'll make sure to locate the precise diamond and ring you're looking for!


You let us know what kind of nameplate you want made for you and we'll make it within a week or two and send it your way.  We only use solid metals; no plating.  We can customize your nameplate with diamonds as well.  Just let us know and we'll get you your dream nameplate.

Anything else!

We're experienced jewelers and have been around block for quite a while.  So let us know what you want and we'll either get it for you or make it for you.  There's almost no custom order we haven't fulfilled.

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